41 Questions 3K Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Anoop Kumar Srivastava
With the receding water table , there has been surmount pressure on developing alternative srategies of regulating irrigation requirement of fruit crops , using a variety of guiding paareeters ,...
14 July 2021 5,263 24 View
Microbes are considered invisible drivers of both soil health as well as plant health safeguard. A microbial species once established as an effective inoculant either as biofertilizer or as...
27 April 2021 8,406 13 View
Fertigation , regardless of agro-climate and crops has gained utmost popularity as next generation requirement of agriculture with some glaring changes, use of automated sensors is one of them...
31 March 2021 2,725 13 View
Agriculture is known to provide various innovations from time -to -time , but in the process , we sometimes land in no man's land, and often try to take agriculture to backfoot so miserably in...
07 November 2020 2,148 19 View
Perennial crops survive for 40-50 years in tandem , without experiencing any decline in productivity . But , many a times , this is not the case , for eaxmple , apple , pear, peach , tea and...
11 September 2020 5,294 3 View
Silicon is often considered as most under-rated nutrient and often , a forgotten nutrient , despite its multi-pronged role in fruit crops compared to other agronomic crops. Reported widely about...
31 August 2019 5,577 8 View
There is absolutely no doubt , whatsoever about the better water- and nutrient-use-efficiency with fertigation over conventionally used method of fertilizer application , regardless of soils and...
24 March 2018 201 10 View
Fruits and vegetables have a significant role in meeting our nutritional requirement on daily basis . These crops are , infact, packed like a pack house of nutrients. These crops have also cut...
21 December 2017 6,526 45 View
Soil organic carbon is undoubtedly claimed to be the key driver of soil fertility , the consequential effect of which is visible on a whole range of soil properties , thereby, possibly ensuring...
29 September 2017 744 83 View
Arbuscular mycorrhizas are known to contribute handsomely towards a variety of soil fertility functions , starting from simple soil fertility and plant nutrition to developing resistance to host...
26 October 2016 9,828 70 View
Climate change is a global phenomenon , and is taking place ever since , earth came into existence . There are well marked cold and hot cycles in the history of earths climate. However , these...
16 August 2016 6,676 72 View
Behavior of crops and soils is never uniform on a geographic unit , necessitating further the utility of correct diagnosis-based nutrient application . However, there are still many discrepancies...
20 April 2016 8,911 61 View
The use of organics , either alone or in combination with microbes /chemical fertilizers , have played a vital role in sustaining the agriculture from subsistence . Production of biochars from...
21 March 2016 1,812 98 View
Climate change issues are baffling the growing uncertainities of agriculture worldover, with aridity and salinization as two premier issues to address at. There are still many issues, we have yet...
14 March 2016 9,752 83 View
It is said , if soil is the stomach of the plant , microbes are the necessary vehicles indulging into transformation and availability of different nutrients , besides different ecological...
29 February 2016 6,308 67 View
The current status of sustainability in agriculture will be driven by some of the latest tools of management , of which floor management is one of them . There are number of ways , floor...
22 February 2016 6,811 35 View
Plants need 16 nutrients as their basic feed. but , different forms of nutrients are used to feed a plant. Of them , a comprehensive feed called substrate is supposedly anticipated to take care...
08 February 2016 789 42 View
Webworld of microbes in soil fertility transformation is distinctly visible on various kinds of crop responses. But , responsiveness of such microbial inoculation is often claimed to be bit time...
25 January 2016 1,660 73 View
The role of micronutrients in sustaining agriculture is well documented.The requirements for different micronutrients ( Fe, Mn, Zn , Mo, B, Cu ) are so small , but these micronutrients have the...
11 January 2016 7,375 48 View
Energy crisis is growing in all dimensions , with agriculture no exception . Horizontal expansion of agriculture is now difficult day-by-day due to pressure from other options of land uses,...
04 January 2016 748 64 View
A variety of plant parts-based ( Leaf analysis, Flower analysis, Fruit analysis, Sap analysis etc. ) nutrient constraint diagnostic methods are practiced in identifying the type of nutrient...
28 December 2015 9,182 36 View
Next generation agriculture is going to survive by concepts like hydroponics/aeroponics( Either on protected cultivation or on open field basis), fertigation fitted with variable rate application...
14 December 2015 9,093 50 View
The role of nutrients in raising the crop productivity coupled with quality in undisputable. Though , we often debate about the various facets of nutrient-use-efficiency taking up various causal...
07 December 2015 2,532 54 View
Number of methods ( Soil fertilization , Foliar fertilization , Trunk nutrition , Fertigation , Organic manuring , Integrated nutrient management ) are adopted in meeting the nutrient...
10 November 2015 6,365 52 View
Nutrient response of a plant is expressed through a sequence of events , called physiological signals , the origin of which is claimed to differ from one plant to another plant species. Our most...
02 November 2015 167 36 View
Role of irrigation water in raising the quality production of crops is undisputed. But ,still irrigation water is most unjudiciously used, without any prior appraisal of irrigation resource...
26 October 2015 9,302 38 View
Development of soil resource inventory of a given area , is considered highly imperative to take decisions on the options about the suitability of different crops in a farming system mode. At the...
27 September 2015 8,573 52 View
The importance of soil testing in fertilizer recommendation is now beyond any doubt, especially with the intervention of geo-spatial tools-aided soil fertility variograms. These developments added...
26 August 2015 182 30 View
Intervention of microbes in soil fertility transformation, maintaining soil health , and consequently the better crop response, is a almost a habit for any crop husbandry practitioner . Some...
29 July 2015 6,230 31 View
Expressing the performance of perennial crops in terms of fruit yield is more of a traditional than conventional style of crop evaluation . Mean orchard yield is most common expression of crop...
21 July 2015 3,146 18 View
Perennial crops are distinctly different than annuals ,in terms of long juvenile period, perennial framework , long annual growth cycle etc . Number of nutrient management practices are in...
16 July 2015 3,627 49 View
Arriving at recommended doses of fertilizers( RDF) in perennial fruits is truly a complex exercise. Once this part is completed through a series of experimentation , the next question comes, how...
14 July 2015 3,128 38 View
The process of soil fertility evaluation is as old as agriculture . Many developments have taken place in both scientific analysis of soils from various angles and precision-based...
08 July 2015 9,144 6 View
Fruit crops are being increasingly felt in our dietary requirements , thereby , reducing the load on consumption of cereals. Needless to elaborate on the biologically active nutrient value of...
07 July 2015 9,061 9 View
Citrus is one the most commercially grown perennial fruit crops world over under a wide range of soils and climate . There is hardly any citrus belt, free of either greening disease or...
27 June 2015 1,604 5 View
Perennial crops differ distinctively from annuals, in terms of long juvenile life , perennial nature of woody framework , vegetative -to-reproductive phase , senescence/rest period for induction...
27 June 2015 8,704 5 View
Rootstocks are considered as the major via- medium for regulating the performance of scion with regard to whole range of parameters , starting from simple growth to multiple resistance against...
20 June 2015 7,686 20 View
Calculation of fertilizer requirement under different plant-to-plant spacing is a complex exercise. Under wider spacings , the indigenous soil fertility remains always under- exploited . On...
08 June 2015 6,275 52 View
Plant nutrition research very often neglects the most important aspect of change in shelf life of fruits in response to nutrient composition of edible part . We always believe that an improvement...
04 June 2015 8,305 29 View
Leaf analysis, out of many options of diagnosis of nutrient constraints , is considered , by far the most effective diagnostic tool in perennial fruits. An optimum leaf nutrient value with...
04 June 2015 513 20 View
Siderophores (Greek: "iron carrier") are small, high-affinity iron-chelating compounds secreted by microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and grasses. Siderophores are amongst the strongest...
01 January 1970 8,803 63 View