14 Questions 850 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Karl Pfeifer
I’ve noticed a number of researchers on RG posting “certificates of attendance” as a research item. I must confess I have not come across such a practice before. I know that attendance at a...
10 October 2019 826 3 View
I find it odd, for example, when I hear in the news that a parent forgives someone who intentionally caused severe injuries to their child. It seems to me that only the child has the right to...
10 October 2019 4,028 30 View
The Genetic Fallacy is an informal fallacy of reasoning — viz. one of the so-called fallacies of irrelevance – in which an argument or claim is based on someone's or something's history, origin,...
06 June 2019 420 14 View
Mark Twain infamously remarked, "Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company." The main protagonists in films and novels are often lawless individuals, vengeful vigilantes, and other...
06 June 2019 5,400 3 View
The word on the street is that, much like one's horoscope cast by different astrologers, one's DNA test results cast by different outfits can vary widely.
05 May 2019 2,473 7 View
Bog, marsh, swamp, fen, moor, muskeg, quagmire, mire, morass, etc. — some of these are used interchangeably, some are preferred regionally to others, some mark subtle distinctions or have...
03 March 2019 6,308 2 View
I am astounded by the number of people who simply copy-and-paste their answers verbatim from various webpages and present the material as if it is their own; even more astounding is the number of...
03 March 2019 9,261 57 View
This is in regards to something odd that has happened to me several times. I post an answer to a question. An hour or so later an answer appears before mine that wasn't there at the time I posted...
02 February 2019 3,677 7 View
I've seen evidence of strange behavior among people who walk their dogs on trails in parks or seminatural areas in my suburb. People will carry plastic bags for picking up their dogs' feces but...
12 December 2018 1,167 1 View
To me, an Erdös number seems like a harmless piece of trivia, akin to having the same astrological sign as some celebrity or sleeping in the same hotel room that a famous person had once slept in....
11 November 2018 9,630 13 View
I tried growing seeds from healthy vigorous wild dandelion specimens indoors during the winter, under conditions in which they would have done reasonably well outdoors during any other season of...
11 November 2018 4,612 5 View
In I, Robot, for example, he has a very epistemologically savvy robot play the role of extreme skeptic. And he has his own philosophical position on religion, mentioning Bertrand Russell in that...
10 October 2018 1,136 4 View
Where can one find the most up-to-date and comprehensive list of journals in the humanities (esp. philosophy and literary studies) that should be avoided because of their unwarranted publication...
04 April 2018 5,033 6 View
In many competitions the host, moderator, or emcee wishes all the contestants good luck, yet one contestant’s good luck in winning could only come at the expense of the other contestants’ not...
10 October 2017 830 4 View