Everyone has memories from his childhood - good or bad. Good memories of a nice place or experience we want to repeat with our children. The bad ones that remind us to protect ourselves and our loved ones.
When my father built a doll's house(with cement and bricks) for all my sibling sisters and made a lots of swings for us; my father was happy, when we all sisters try to fly kites, play cricket and do things like boys.
My mother took great care of us and she was strict in doing our study properly.
One of the beautiful things that remained stuck in my childhood memory (my childhood, my memory) was that my father, may God have mercy on him, took me with my brothers to swim in the Tigris River. He always told us about his childhood, "his studies, his dreams and ambitions, We have fun and play with the children of our neighbors and we know nothing about religion, doctrine and race, childhood characterized by innocence and spontaneity, the feelings of love for others, many of the events and beautiful things that occurred in my childhood, which are still stuck in my memory, and missed by our children now because they only remember wars and destruction and missing To true childhood with wishes to all boys to live a childhood Genuine safe and reassuring.
كل ذكريات الطفولة وأجملها مرتبطة بجدتي اللهم اجعل مثواها الجنة وأهمها أنها علمتني ان لا اخاف واريد ان اعلم اولادي هذا
All the memories of childhood and beautiful linked to my grandmother Oh God make paradise and most important that she taught me not to fear and I want to teach my children this
In Ganesh god 10day's public festival at all corner of village , climbing and sitting on father's shoulder and enjoying every moment in big crowd and so many others moments sharded with brothers, sisters and langoti yaar ie friends
I have a few memories about 3 years old, and these are not stories of elders, but real memories. The interested is as I ... stick my tongue on the iron fence at cold! (This is Ural, baby! (c))
It was terrible. It was in kindergarten, we walked on the playground and I walked over to the fence, looked outside and ... licked the iron and I freezed! The temperature was about -20 C. The teachers came running after hearing my mooing. They called a "locksmith / electrician" (then every institution had its own handyman). He turned out to be very smart, took off the entire section of the fence, and they carried me into the building and put me to thaw ... I lay on my stomach, warmly dressed, and looked around as far as my tongue would let go. Very funny. Then I thawed, as you can see!
We are a family of 8 children and 2 girls. We lived in our house with my father and mother. Now we all got married and we became separate families. When we meet, we remember all the beautiful memories.