Most important is to teach and train children in a way that they must be able to act ethically with all living beings in this world and provide them the love and care, they deserve; respect their human rights.
One of the important things that we emphasize is that children have the basic necessities of life from providing food, medicine, education and a society that gives them legal protection in accordance with the rights of the child contained in the relevant international conventions. As for Iraq, this requires more and more. Legal for them and their families and their access to all their rights .. Every year and the children of the world is fine.... Happy childrens Day.
الأطفال كالصفحة البيضاء أو الزهرة الملونة بأطياف من البراءة والجمال عندهم ميول ورغبات متواصلة ويحتاجون إلى الدعم الأسري والتعليمي والصحي وغير ذلك من مقومات الحياة
While you're a child, you only see the good things. They rarely encounter lies, deception, betrayal or similar things that adults often apply in their daily lives. That's why I want adults to preserve this childhood ability to see the good.
"These children are the leaders of the future in their societies, the future engines of their national economies, and they are the parents and protectors of the next generation in the future. When we protect their rights, we not only prevent their suffering and not only preserve their lives but protect our common future."
For the mother of arrival of a child is an auspicious event which offers all the smile & happiness & aspiration for the arrival is become remarkable event in her life . But of the child is an important event both parent would like to share the pleasure of the event.
Create confidance amongst them that he is never behind anybody equally strong,do whaever you like but within some constraints always they will find parents behind/with them in every situation