I had thought the same, but what if Rahul has to take measurements in sea environment or similar difficult settings. I guess more information is needed.
I suppose you are measuring aerial propagation. To do this, we use a low frequency microphone in the sonometer. It has an excellent performance since 0,8 Hz.
I came late to this question, however introducing an answer to it may be useful for other researchers. If your sound wave is single tone then you can use frequency counter which is a standard laboratory instrument.
If your signal is natural sound having complex waveform then you need to analyse the waveform into its frequency components and then you have to use spectrum analyzer that gives you the amplitude versus frequency of the sound. In stead of the spectrum analyzer you can use digital storage oscilloscope which has signal processing capability such as the fast Fourier transform of the recorded signal in a limited time window.
There is other methods based on using a DAQ card and a PC or LAPTOP.