14 Questions 18 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rahul R Nair
Dear Experts, I have some experience in population genetics studies in plant systems using various chloroplast intergenic spacers (sequence data). Now, I would like to analyse a very restricted...
07 July 2019 4,783 4 View
The total number of occurrence records is 23 (23 geographical coordinates) and if I want to make a test sample to run in maxent, how many points can be taken.
12 December 2017 9,663 6 View
It is common knowledge that internal nodes are ancestral and external nodes are of recent origin in a haplotype network. But most of the median joining haplotype networks published in articles...
12 December 2017 4,136 3 View
I am trying to project the present climatic condition to 4 carbon emission scenario listed as CCSM4 rcp2.6. rcp45,rcp60,rcp85. But the layers are geotiff format, which is not recognised by...
12 December 2017 9,716 3 View
I am planning to perform SDM of an endangered tree in western ghats mountain range of India. When I do the projection of present conditions to the LGM, the distribution area overlaps with the sea....
12 December 2017 1,455 5 View
I have tried to write an outline of the step-by-step processes that led to the formation of western ghats of India. Kindly go through the table and let me know where I have gone wrong!!!! Table...
11 November 2017 6,832 0 View
I would like to use PopART software for creating haplotype network. When I tried to upload the alignment of 122 sequences by inserting blocks for traits and coordinates, the software gets stuck by...
09 September 2017 8,966 10 View
I need to know what is the standard way of measuring the energy value of food that we consume.
01 January 2017 6,124 6 View
I need to measure the frequency of various sound waves. May I know what is the best method/instrument for it.
12 December 2016 8,171 16 View
I have two columns of data that show the values for R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6 and R7. Among these two columns, values in one column is always fixed and the values in the other column vary. Please...
12 December 2016 3,492 9 View
I am working on survey and collection of endangered medicinal plants of Western Ghats of India. I am using Garmin Montana GPS 650 for identifying geographical co-ordinates. But I am facing issues...
10 October 2016 9,499 4 View
I have used two primers (Forward and Reverse) to amplify a region from total genomic DNA. But I could see a clear band of 500 bp in the negative control as well as all other lanes. What would be...
10 October 2016 7,077 7 View
All of us know that it is safe to store PCR product at -20 degree. But recently, i have come across certain strange things which i need to clarify. Some regions (trnH-psbA) were amplified two...
08 August 2016 2,039 4 View
In maxent, when I used a random test percentage of 25 with cross validate replication runs of 10, an error message popped up stating that 'random test percentage must be reset to zero as cross...
01 January 1970 8,439 3 View