12 Questions 429 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Vikash Pandey
Capacitors and dielectrics pertain electric phenomena, one could say that inductors can be considered analogues of capacitors in the magnetic case. Is there a dielectric analogue in magnetism?...
03 March 2019 8,517 5 View
I am solving a problem from fluid dynamics; in particular tightly coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The following is a scaled-down version of my actual problem. I have solved...
11 November 2018 4,560 27 View
Could there be nonlinear ODEs that could not even be solved numerically? I am working on a third-order nonlinear problem which is giving accurate results for a given set of initial conditions...
11 November 2018 2,324 7 View
I have solved system of ODEs multiple times in the past. But for some reason this particular problem has made things difficult for me. See Eq.(7) of the attached file and its subsequent...
10 October 2018 10,243 8 View
Will there be planetary type motion possible if force varies linearly or cubically with distance? If a body is revolving around another body then can i say with total confidence that the body is...
09 September 2018 8,945 4 View
Some thermodynamics confusion. Assume ideal gases for simplicity. Are kinetic energy (K) and internal energy (U) for gases, different from one another? As I understand, dU = n Cv dt And if some...
12 December 2017 8,136 98 View
I am trying to fit an experimental dataset. The data is highly nonlinear and so I am using different mathematical expressions to fit the data. How do I "quantitatively" compare the quality of fit...
09 September 2017 2,081 5 View
I have encountered some ambiguity regarding the applicability of Newton's third law of action-reaction to the force of gravitation. For two masses m1 and m2, separated by a distance r, the law of...
08 August 2017 8,245 11 View
Isn't special theory of relativity an offshoot of a measurement problem, though of different kind than from quantum mechanics? If a watch is designed whose measure of time does not depend on light...
03 March 2017 448 9 View
1) Do vacuum and empty space imply the same? Can they be used interchangeably? 2) If a sealed "empty" box resting on a table is slided to another position, is the space if "encapsulated", also...
03 March 2017 929 12 View
Hi! I will appreciate if anyone can tell me the physical interpretation or at least the importance of the Navier-Stokes ladder theorem, but without getting into mathematical technicalities.
08 August 2016 6,089 0 View
With reference to the findings recently reported in http://phys.org/news/2016-03-features-quantum-mechanics.html I have couple of queries and will appreciate if anyone can clarify it. The site...
03 March 2016 1,537 16 View