I have to wash glassware before culturing bacteria in LB media with different concentration of heavy metals. This is suggested in some literature as it will not allow the metal particles to adhere to the walls of glassware. I have come across 3 acidic solutions and need suggestions on which one to use and for how long?
1) Chromic acid ( I am trying to avoid it ) + I want to know if it will affect the studies when I culture bacteria with chromium
2) 1 N HNO3 ( overnight soaking + rinsing the glasswares 5 times with deionised water
3) 20% HNO3 + 10% HCl
Currently I have tried the second option.
The idea is to not allow the metal particles adhere to glass surface ( first use glassware). However, other answers are also welcome. Answers for after use washing were also very good