A  10  years  old  Boy  was  referred for  breathlessness on  exertion  of  6  months  duration. NYHA  class II DOE.  Occasional  Palpitation of  faster heart was  present.  No  syncope,  dizziness nor  Convulsions. Born  of  Consanguineous parents  at  full  term  normally.  Miles stones  were normal. Family  History  Not  contributing.  O/E : Conscious. Oriented. No  markers  any Congenital  heart  disease. Centrally cyanosed. No pedal edema, facial puffiness, clubbing, icterus, nor significant  lymphadenopathy. Pulse : 102 / Min. Normal in  every aspect.  B.P. : 100/70 mm Hg. JVP : 0. Apical impulse normally  located. Heart sounds  are  normal. A grade 2/6 Ejection  Systolic murmur at  PA. ECG,  X-RAY Chest  and  Echocardiogram  were normal ! What  is the Diagnosis ? How  to Confirm > Management ?

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