12 December 2012 23 8K Report

I ran a 2D-DIGE gel, with a pH 4-7 strip (NL, 24cm). The sample is transgenic mice serum, which has been removed from albumin and IgG(Albumin and IgG removal kits, GE), then ultrafiltered with 3kDa ultrafilter tubes (Millipore) and dissolved in lysis buffer( 7M Urea, 2M Thiourea, 4% Chaps, 30mM Tris-cl, pH 8.5) on ice and the protein concentration was determined by 2D-quant (GE). Then 25µg protein was dyed with 200pmol dye. Then 2X lysis buffer(8M Urea,4% Chaps,2% IPG buffer(pH4-7), 2% DTT) was added and the rehydration buffer was used to make the total volume up to 450µL. The conditions of IEF are: Stp 30V 12Hr, Stp 500V 1Hr, Stp 1000V 2 Hr, Grd 5000V 4 Hr, Grd 8000V 4 Hr, Stp 8000V 8Hr.Temp 20 ℃, 50µA/strip. After the IEF, the strips were equlibrated in 2% SDS, 30%Glycerol, 6M urea, 75mM Tris-cl 8.8, 0.002%Bromophenol blue with 1% DTT and subsequently 2.5 % IAA for 15 minutes, respectively. Then they were transfered to the 12.5% SDS-PAGE. The cathode and anode buffers were both the Tris-glycine-SDS (5X: 125mM Tris, 960mM Glycine,0.5% SDS, pH 8.3, what I used was 1X)buffer. 1W/Gel for 50min and 11W/ Gel for 5H40min. The current was 89mA and 225mA, respectively. The water circulation system set the temperature at 15℃. However, the Bromophenol blue was a line after the first 2 hours, and after the fourth hour of the SDS-PAGE , it became a curve and it was not very thin. And when the electrophoresis was over, the buffer is hotter than my hands. It seems the second dimension did not run well, but I attached the result, to see if anyone know what the problem is. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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