I have gotten a low RNA amount from human dendritic cells using RNeasy kit from Qiagen, such as 11ng/ul and I need to perform a qPCR assay from these samples.
Or trizol still is the better way to obtain more RNA than the commercial kits?
Better to prefer manual Trizol method but the volume of Trizol, chloroform and isoprop, use according to the initial cell numbers and try to use superscript iii from Invitrogen for cDNA synthesis.
I'm not sur if this can help you ( maybe I haven't understood the question well ^^ ) But for my extraction of RNA, I'm using the Nucelospin Kit from Macherey-Nagel) and I have a good concentration on RNA, around 270 to 300 ng/µl.
I have been working with tissue that involves lots of inhibitors, which result in similar products. If the kit is giving you extremely low quantities, use the Trizol method as Abhijit Maji stated. However, I'd use the Access RT-PCR system from Promega to increase the yield and purity.