It may be that your initial guess for a particular value may be too far from the correct value, so as COMSOL iterates, the error becomes boundless. Sometimes it is worth doing some hand calculations in order to identify a good initial guess
This is discussed in this blog:
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Well if you don't want best results at t=0s or nothing important is happening at initial time apart from initial conditions (for example like flow isn't turning to turbulent or fracture isn't initiating right after 0s). You can try turning off the "consistent initialization". This also helps if solver takes too much time to go beyond 0s when you know at t=0 everything should be zero or initial defined values (BCs).
Other way is to solve everything first using stationary study and use those as the initial conditions for time dependent study (find knowledgeable of COMSOL regarding this issue, there are fine examples too).
Also make sure that your absolute tolerance is turned from factor to manual and use some value (default is 0.001). This happened to me many times, not sure why factor don't work.