I am using the vglm function in R to compute the effect of my independent variable on my dependent variables (ranging from 0 to 5 or -2 to 2). I also receive outputs for my calculations. However, I don't quite understand how the response variable comparisons are made up. Does the function compare 2 vs. the rest in GenderMale:1 and in GenderMale:2 the 2,1 vs. the rest responses or how can I interpret the output?

Call: vglm(formula = compensate ~ Gender, family = cumulative(parallel = FALSE), data = my_data)


Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)

(Intercept):1 -2.7141 0.3113 -8.717 < 2e-16 ***

(Intercept):2 -1.0761 0.1726 -6.234 4.54e-10 ***

(Intercept):3 -0.3307 0.1524 -2.170 0.03002 *

(Intercept):4 1.4733 0.1930 7.634 2.28e-14 ***

GenderMale:1 -1.3406 0.6602 -2.031 0.04230 *

GenderMale:2 -1.0357 0.2980 -3.475 0.00051 ***

GenderMale:3 -0.2784 0.2194 -1.269 0.20441

GenderMale:4 0.1091 0.2783 0.392 0.69499

--- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

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