11 November 2014 11 6K Report

Hi, I am doing qPCR assays with S. cerevisiae. As per the article "Validation of reference genes for quantitative expression analysis by real-time RT-PCR in Saccharomyces cerevisiae(http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2199/10/99)" following genes are reported to be tested under various conditions and found to be expressed constitutivuly-

(a) ALG9 (b) TAF10 (c) (d) UBC6 (e) TFC1.

Out of these four genes I took ALG9 and TAF10 and performed the assay. The problem is when I measured the ratio of expression levels of the two reference genes for each sample the values varied substanbtially (excel file attached). The N0 value was calculated by using LinRegPCR software for qPCR data analysis and the experiment was done by using the Stratagene MX3000p machine. The LinRegPCR software does not assume a constant PCR efficiency and calculates the same from all the samples for each amplicon group using raw fluorescence data from the machine. I am planning to order primers for the other two reference genes, but I am a little skeptic as to whether it will help or not. The reason is that when I used one (ALG9) reference gene, no difference was observed between the reference and the test sample while the other gene (TAF10) showed an up-regulation that is to say, both the reference genes are giving contradictory data and I am confused which one to believe.

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