Hi, I have attached some images of an issue I've just started having with immunostaining. It was hard to describe in one sentence for the title, so a more detailed description follows.

I'm immunostaining mouse brain tissue sections using a Vectastain HRP ABC kit and DAB substrate. The staining itself is great where there is positive staining, but 1-3 sections per experimental batch have staining that abruptly stops near the edge of the tissue (see images). It's quite strange because the haematoxylin counterstain is always fine and stains all tissue. Some stumped colleagues have suggested a fixation issue, but I am skeptical because serial sections to the affected sections can stain fine.

We draw a circle around each section with hydrophobic ink to use small volumes, it sorts of looks like during one of the steps the liquid droplet has not covered the entire section. Has anyone else ever encountered anything like this? Happy to provide more detailed info if needed.

Thanks,    Jason

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