I'm trying to observe how micro bubbles behave in hydrophilic steel micro channels, however, since the bubbles need to be visible, I'm replacing one of the micro channels' sides with a PMMA substrate. 


The solution flowing through the micro channels will be a 1-2 M aqueous solution of methanol, and preferably, will flow for a potentially unlimited time... 

I rather foolishly tried grafting PVA, both pure and cross linked with borax, onto the PMMA, but both dissolved in water quite quickly (even at room temperature). 

I also briefly tried to oxidise the surface with 3 M Nitric acid, but to no avail. 

I've been considering oxygen plasma treatment and LbL TiO2 nanoparticle coatings, but I'm worried about the durability when immersed and the visibility, respectively...

If anyone can comment on the longevity of an oxygen plasma hydrophilic surface treatment when immersed in water or suggest an alternative surface treatment I'd appreciate it greatly 

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