Some researchers are reporting an increase in COVID-19-related dengue cases, while others are reporting a decrease in cases. Or even reports that the pandemic did not affect Dengue cases. What is your opinion or experience on the subject?
I think no relation - only in some symptoms - between those two viral diseases. Deungue fever is one of the arboviral diseases caused by one of the four serotypes (DENV-1, -2, -3 and -4), transmitted mainly by mosquito Aedes aegyptyi. This disease is epidemic occurred mainly in the westren hemisphere, deunge fever may develop to fatal hemorrhage and shock. On the other hand. COVID - 19 (mainly respiratory disease) is ssRNA virus as one of the corona virus family. Pandemic. Bats - as litrutures - their natural reservoir. Then, from human close contact amimal covid - 19 agent was transmitted to humanbening.
Two angles: one is due to decreased mobility in COVID lockdowns, the number of infections could have decreased. Another angle is misdiagnosis of dengue infections as COVID since hospital resources were devoted to COVID cases and symptoms are similar.