During the last 3 years I have experienced 3 occurences of the stenosis in the colo-rectal end-to-end anastomisis following laparoscopic sigmoid or TME resections for sigmoid/upper rectal cancer. In two cases the stricture occluded the bowel completely. These two patients underwent stenting first. It failled due to the overgrow of the fibrotic tissue in the next 2-4 months leading to the complete obstruction. Thus why, they required emergency laparotomy with  excision of the stenosed portion of the bowel with end colostomy. Then, we recreated the continuity of the bowel with protective ileostomy (to make sure they do not go into obstruction). Around a half a year later we closed the ileostomy.

Now I diagnosed the stenosis in the third patient (the lumen of stenosis of 8 mm) and just wonder what other options are, as I do not want to go the same route again.

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