01 January 1970 9 8K Report

Hello, I encountered a problem isolating a phage for Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria. When performing the spot test, lytic zones appeared. but when trying to do the plaque assay test I didn't observe any lytic zone. the growth of bacteria was homogenous as no phage filtrate was added. Still, I observed only one thing different: in my isolate of Pseudomonas the pigment of the isolate disappeared when treated with phage filtrate compared to control one -the same observation was taken in the enrichment step the treated test tubes showed no pigment compared to control one- and still disappeared until dilution no. 5. The pigment return appeared as in the pictures attached. I re-ran this test several times and it shows the same result without any lytic zone in the plaque assay test. what is a possible Explanation of this result? is it related to Pseudomonas especially, phage type, or maybe a technical error? Any advice to do this test better?

thank you for your answer

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