We assume that there is a physico-statistical meaning to the constant π other than circular geometry, but the iron guardians of the Schrödinger equation deny this.

The iron guardians of the Schrödinger equation are brainwashed and mistakenly believe that the Schrödinger equation is considered a unified field theory, implying that any equation not in it is false.

The strings of matrix B, the product of the Cairo techniques procedure, predict that the time dependence of the heat equation or the sound intensity equation is expressed as follows:

dU /dt =-U.Const.2π.Area/Volume . . . (1)

for any geometric object.

Note that equation 1 implies the following rule:

3D bodies of different shapes cannot have the same volume-to-surface ratio unless they have exactly the same volume and surface area [ResearchGate Q/A 6-6-2023].

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