Dear Godwin Jejeti, all the things you mentioned are systemic and physical killers of scientists and science it self. So, as a modern community we have to be ethical in respecting the guiding principles of science and we have to be abide by guiding principles and ethics of science.
The reason why the world of academia is appealing to scientists and scholars is the sanctimonious aura overshadowing its endeavours. The members of the academic community are doing their best to learn from others and to transmit their own knowledge for the benefit of mankind. A deceitful scientist, therefore, will go as far as to trample all over the code of conduct which specifies the nature of interactions and practices which the scientists are engaged in. Unfortunately, the presence of International Review boards and other watchdog mechanisms show that scientific endeavours may also be tinged with uncanny violations.Therefore, every item on the list of violations you have mentioned can be regarded as offensive breaking the codes of ethics and morality in science.
Apart from the insightful responses of the colleagues, obscurantism is another relevant subject matter, regarding the question, impacting negatively on the progress in academia, especially after its disclosure.
No need to choose among the different options you listed and all of them are direct killers of scientists and science it self (As mentioned before already). As to me the best choice will be to be ethical and abide by the ethics and and guiding principles of science. Sorry, if I am a bit stringent.
I agree with what has already been said by all the colleagues who preceded me in their answer. I would just like to add that everyone has the right to freely express their ideas and opinions, especially researchers. Therefore, impede or simply limiting the freedom of opinion of researchers and academics is a very serious matter of unheard violence and constitutes a very dangerous offense. Someone said: "I do not share your ideas but I will fight so that you can express them freely".
Deception: Providing false information to an instructor concerning a formal academic exercise—e.g., giving a false excuse for missing a deadline or falsely claiming to have submitted work.
Bribery or paid services: Giving test answers, or writing thesis for money.
Sabotage: Acting to prevent others from completing their work. This includes cutting pages out of library books or willfully disrupting the experiments of others.
Impersonation: Assuming a student's identity with intent to provide an advantage for the student.
All the options given are grievous academic offences; Plagiarism, falsification, fabrication and forgery.
Plagiarism is an academic fraud/theft while falsification, fabrication and forgery mislead other researchers from publishing or reporting what is not true.
Academic crimes are committed in accordance with existing laws in the academic community. You are trying to fight the consequence of this phenomenon, in other words, if academic laws allow the commission of academic crimes, then these crimes will always take place. Thus, if we want to prevent academic crimes, we must change these laws. I think that if you want it can always be done. I want to remind one saying: "They act with us exactly as we allow them to do so". If we stop tolerating these crimes by establishing new academic laws, then all disgusting phenomena as plagiarism will disappear in science.