Hello Sony. It depends with the brand of the microtiter plate. Some can hold up to 500 ul, but majority holds about 200-300 ul. You can calculate the concentration from your stock, prepare your solutions in bottles/falcon tubes, and then transfer your agent (plant extract/antibiotics) to bacterial suspension in 1:1 equal ratio.
Article Agar and broth dilution methods to determine the minimal inh...
It depends with the brand you are using, but it probably will be 300uL each well.
You can do this by calculating the maximum volume that will be used in the whole plate, and then to dissolve the drug in the the required concentration. Remember that you have to use a double concentration (2x), once the suspension of cells will be apllied after that in the equal ratio; so you'll have the required ug/mL concentration. So if for example you need to use only 10wells you can prepare 1mL of antimicrobial solution, and apply 100uL in each well.