10 Questions 48 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Samsher Singh
Are there any published reports about relationship between efflux pump and secretion of virulence factors for Staphylococcus aureus or E. coli ?
04 October 2017 7,186 4 View
P-gp inhibitors enhances the drug level inside cells by inhibiting the efflux. My specific question is whether a P-gp inhibitor can be used to enhance the level of rifmapicin in lungs and...
31 August 2017 2,637 3 View
Dear researchers I wish to knew the reason why researchers use cancer cell lines for assessing the cytotoxicity. Do they mimic the normal cells of human ? If yes then how ?
30 December 2016 1,552 4 View
Dear Researchers I have came across some softwares which are helpful in drawing the immunological pathways, metabolic pathways but I cant find the software which can be helpful to draw the simple...
01 October 2016 7,251 0 View
I am totally confused about the RNA agarose gel. I have isolated total RNA from S. aureus. I want to see it in agarose gel. I ran 1% gel with formaldehyde and added 1 ug/ml EtBr during casting....
26 August 2016 8,073 7 View
If we have to treat some biofilm or persistent cell population then why researchers are trying to test their killing concentrations which are far beyond the clinical achievable level. e.g. For...
26 May 2016 3,398 3 View
Is there a pure line demarcation between vegetarian and non-vegetarian ? If somebody talks of purely vegetarian, is he not eating yeast, bacteria, molds? Need only scientific input.
11 January 2016 675 2 View
I wish to know the latent tuberculosis models which could mimic the natural mode of infection.
05 January 2016 5,246 9 View
I am measuring the fluorescence of Ethidium Bromide during the efflux process using various bacterial strains. Its total uptake is different in different organism but I need to compare all. So I...
26 June 2015 3,602 2 View
I came across the two contradicting views that ROS levels must be low under low oxygen (microaerophillic) or in absence of oxygen (hypoxia). Other researcher shows that ROS levels are high due to...
01 January 1970 9,009 2 View