21 October 2022 8 6K Report

Hi all,

I am a student working towards gaining my integrated Master's degree (I have not conducted research prior to now). I am a novice to research so bear with me if my terminology isn't 100% accurate. I am conducting qualitative research to explore the experiences and perceptions of diagnostic radiography students in the communication of radiation risk. My question is: Is it correct to use interpretative phenomenology and thematic analysis for my methodology/approach/data analysis? I am conducting semi-structured qualitative interviews with 12 participants, so I hope this will be enough to reach data saturation. A follow-up question I have is whether it would be appropriate for me to use researcher reflexivity in this process as I am a diagnostic radiography student with my own preconceived opinions and experience on the phenomenon under study. Any help or direction for further readings would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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