I think the major cause of anxiety and stress is working in researches.
When a big lorry has a too small motor, the motor has to work more than it's capacity is allowing. When the gap between what is demanded of a person and what his/her personal resources are for the moment, are exceeded, stress hormones are excreted and cause these kinds of ill-being. Anxiety correlates with depression
and are thought to have a biological base in imbalance between neurotransmitters. A person is a whole and reacts as a whole. This means that different life events, death of close ones, sickness, disasters, accidents but also marriage, winning on lottery, birth of a child, dissertation, successful performance shake our biology and cause feelings of discomfort. I attach my papers:
The severe lack of fresh asparagus and generally, the lack of antioxidants in our diet. Very interesting Harvard article about nutrition
I think that your views about human being in term of anxiety and stress are presented in psychoanalytic approach. But What would they mean, if these two items are presented in existentialist concept?! According to Existentialism, they are negative feelings that result from changes in experiences of Human choices and freedom, individual is considered as an action in this field so that, he is free to choose his action and define himself. However, these ideas indicate that angst arises from realizing that a man is alone in making his decision and to bear the result. ....
Thanks a lot for your valuable and interesting opinions and thanks for sharing the priceless collection of papers ... Dr. s. Beatrice
Very important links provided by dear respected colleague Dr. Béatrice Marianne Ewalds-Kvist, I recommend them.
Inability to find a solution to a problem that seemed easily solvable and located directly within the scope of which you are dealing
Frequent thinking about future things, which is called concern expectation, many people get sick because of the expectation things may not come Verhqon themselves without reason but it is an illusion and expectation, and the best solution that man becomes not thinking only in Hzth which is where and beyond to others.
The existence of a vacuum in a person's life leads him to think too much and inevitably worry. People whose lives are filled with accomplishment and giving are less likely to be anxious and nervous than others, while those who do not find something to do will undoubtedly think only of themselves and their anxiety.
In my capacity as a meditation teacher, I have seen plenty of evidence that stress stored in the nervous system, which creates anxiety, anger, jealousy,, poor work performance, selfishness, and many other effects, is actually caused by overloads of experience. This is discussed in depth at https://www.nsrusa.org/about-stress.php .
When the impact of an external stressor or challenging event exceeds a threshold set by the functioning of our nervous system, a dysfunction is generated. This dysfunction makes us less sensitive to future occurrences of the stressor, but at the cost of an area of poor functioning.
For example, if a child is almost hit by a car, this sensory experience will likely exceed the child's capacity for understanding and accepting the experience, causing a trauma that may express itself as many years of unexplained fearful episodes. Eliminating the stress (dysfunction) from the nervous system (as by practice of Natural Stress Relief, NSR) can instantly stop the fearful episodes.
Common psychodynamic explanations of internal stress typically blame the individual, saying that their attitude or thinking is wrong. But the attitude and thinking are influenced primarily by the pattern of stresses (traumas) that we have internalized from overwhelming experiences in life. Furthermore, all such symptoms disappear upon the elimination of the stored stress, which indicates it was the stored stress that was to blame, not the beliefs or habits of the individual.
I hope the world moves from reliance on inefficient methods of treating stress-based psychological disorders, such as talk therapy, to provably efficient and cost-effective methods such as Natural Stress Relief.
Effects of Natural Stress Relief Meditation on Trait Anxiety: A Pilot Study, Fabrizio Coppola, Istituto Scientia, in Psychological Reports, August, 2007, vol. 101, pages 130-134
Natural stress relief meditation as a tool for reducing anxiety and increasing self-actualization, Fabrizio Coppola, PhD, and David Spector, in Social Behavior and Personality: an International Journal, May, 2009, 37(3), pages 307-312
Everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life, whether it is about preparing for a job interview, meeting a partner’s family for the first time, or the prospect of parenthood.
It differs fgom person to another, as we are different in personality, ambitions, cand characters
Thinking in an improper way, this is what makes people anxious. this is my opinion.
It is the belief that there is danger whether real or perceived. This danger may arise from a variety of sources: hopelessness, being overwhelmed, setting unrealistic goals and focus on deficeincies than the person's strenghts. Much of the anxiety arises from the thought process projecting into the future disastrous consequences even wehn those events have not happened yet. Some fear and anxiety are real, for example, living in a war zone or crime infested neighborhood. This leads to a condition of constant distress.
In our current society, anxiety and stress are caused by various activities that are carried out alternately or through multiple tasks that prevent many people from resting properly. the memory does not work under pressure, otherwise it will break up and leaves us in a state of anxiety and extreme stress.
Personality factors
Research suggests that people with certain personality traits are more likely to have anxiety. For example, children who are perfectionists, easily flustered, timid, inhibited, lack self-esteem or want to control everything, sometimes develop anxiety during childhood, adolescence or as adults.
Physical health problems
Chronic physical illness can also contribute to anxiety conditions or impact on the treatment of either the anxiety or the physical illness itself. Common chronic conditions associated with anxiety conditions include:
hypertension and heart disease
Some physical conditions can mimic anxiety conditions, like an overactive thyroid. It can be useful to see a doctor and be assessed to determine whether there may be a medical cause for your feelings of anxiety.
Ongoing stressful events
Anxiety conditions may develop because of one or more stressful life events. Common triggers include:
- work stress or job change
- change in living arrangements
- pregnancy and giving birth
- family and relationship problems
- major emotional shock following a stressful or traumatic event
- verbal, sexual, physical or emotional abuse or trauma
- death or loss of a loved one.
Thanks Mrs Marwah for your opinion...
Mr. Djaafar Zemali thanks for your perpetual reply ,,,, let me tell you something there ... What will your opinion be if you take these terms from existentialist perspectives? Djaafar Zemali Thanks again
Having no strong faith. Working under pressure. Being less or no organized.
Thinking too much sometimes leads to have anxiety and stress.
Anxiety & stress remain the coin of two side . Human beings in his life action have to go under anxiety & which may very often undergo a stress.
It is in this line sometimes back I have placed my publication under the captioned'' Avoid Invitation of Depression '' which I submit herewith for your kind perusal . With a request that you may offered your valuable opinion
This is my personal opinion
An interesting and useful article ...
But I just want to indicate something here ...
All opinions went with psychoanalytical and healthy interpretations. But, they have missed to analyze these two terms in existentialist perspectives. Thanks a lot for sharing your valuable opinion Mr. Rohit Rohit Manilal Parikh
I think a variety of external, environmental, genetic, and brain chemistry factors contribute to a person's propensity to experience anxiety or stress symptoms.
One of the causes of anxiety and lack of sleep is preoccupation with the mind by constantly thinking about past, present, or future events.
It is normal, and may even be classified as positive, especially in cases where we are concerned about preventive measures to prevent hazards or advance solutions to certain emergency matters. It increases the readiness of people to receive incidental issues, and may give us an incentive To success at the practical and academic level because of our natural fear of failure, but if the recurrence of anxiety continuously, or semi-continuous is undoubtedly a satisfactory condition
ex/Too much thinking about future things,
In a freedom choice approach, the workplace is took as a very sensitive variable on stress mood and anxiety disorders. Likewise, serum cortisol is participating in a large scale of mental illnesses as the most dangerous hippocampal neurotransmitter aftermaths
Maybe this research proposal would explain you, in a macroview manner, what is saying
kind regards
1. Unrealistic expectations
2. Catastrophizing the end result of something even before it has occurred
3. Excessive worry
4. Dwelling on the negative (weaknesses) than on one's own strengths with respect to problem solving.
5. Not willing to accept that not everyone will accept your ideas or ways of thinking
6. Poor diet and lack of exercise
7. Irrational thoughts (see Dr. Albert Ellis' entire work on Rationally Emotive (Behavior) Therapy, RET or REBT)
Anxiety is a reaction to the stress. Whether in good times or bad, most people say that stress interferes at least moderately with their lives. Chronic stress can affect your health, causing symptoms from headaches, high blood pressure, and chest pain to heart palpitations, skin rashes, and loss of sleep.
Stress and anxiety are common, a wide range of events can trigger the feelings that can be rationale or not. A change in life or a particular life event may induce stress, anxiety or even a panic attack, genetic predisposition and familial factors may play a role.
Follow the link:
Vague or conceptual psychological reasons are usually presented for anxiety, as though people would voluntarily choose such a syndrome for themselves. But these psychodynamic explanations are superficial and do not form the basis for treatment or intervention. This is why the trait (long-term) anxiety, measured by the STAI Form Y inventory, is considered part of the personality: it tends not to change with relaxation, introspection, psychoanalysis, or other standard interventions.
But a new theory of stress presents a causative foundation that can be used to develop and assess treatment strategies. My article (see https://www.nsrusa.org/about-stress.php) explains the details so I can keep this comment short and readable.
This new approach views stress as directly causing anxiety and other stress-based characteristics, both short and long term. In brief, it compares stress to a circuit breaker in a house. The circuit breaker protects the house from fire by stopping electricity that exceeds a threshold of current. A stress stored in the nervous system is a dysfunction that protects the mind and body from experiences that exceed a threshold of tolerance.
This new theory has supported the use of a very old mental technique known as transcending as an effective intervention to dramatically reduce stress-based symptoms such as anxiety. Our published research results with the STAI (n=70) verifies this dramatic effect, as much with trait (long-term) anxiety as with state anxiety. In our study, the only subject reporting increased anxiety was a man whose father had just died.
As president of one of the three nonprofit organizations of the Natural Stress Relief project (NSR/USA), I have seen the practical value of this knowledge in 2800 cases of people who sought relief from stress-based disorders or who wanted more peace and happiness in their life. Individual case studies illustrate how reducing and eliminating stresses stored in the nervous system, through a technique providing deeper rest than sleep at night, improves all aspects of life from the first day of our three-day course.
It is no longer necessary to give answers like the others we read here in this discussion thread. These are answers that do not actually much help the individuals who suffer from anxiety, anger, panic attacks, and other such disorders. The ancient technique of transcending taught in modern language, in contrast, provides immediate and sustained relief to individuals regardless of the depth of their perceived problems. This is not just mindfulness. This is transcending. It works repeatably and reliably, with a failure rate of under 1% and based in a theory of stress that is proven again with each new client.
1. 'Self Regulation'
2. 'Self Reliance'
3. 'Self Reflection'
4. 'Self Efficacy'
5. 'Self Actualization'
An efficient balance of five 'Self' protect person from 'Stress' & 'Anxiety'
It is frustrating when I try to contribute a thoughtful post but no one seems to read it. I guess people want to post not read.
Having faith means knowing that our life and our death are in the hands of the Creator. This gives us a deep feeling of Peace and Serenity. Without this inner security; any problem in life will scare us and give us stress and anxiety.
The greatest cause is the disproportionate interpretation of any stimulus of a stressful nature.
Depending on the context and personality, the levels of stress vary.
Somatic functioning is an important factor to consider.
In a sample of teachers the causes are very diverse but, the labor demands are among the first.
There is more information in:
Chapter Methodological process to diagnose self-care of the teacher's health
I think the major cause of anxiety and stress is working in researches.
Unable to find out the solution when the things are out of control and desiring something which is not in hands may lead to anxiety and stress. Whenever I want to become millionaire (which is like a mirage) I get anxious and that results in stress.
Opposite to it , don't have any desire, nothing is yours and be content which is in your hands.
In case anyone actually reads these replies, it is clear that almost everyone's concern is with their own anxiety. This is due to the fact that we live in a very stressed world, filled with conflict, greed, and war. I hope that my posting giving a solution can be found by all the suffering people and that they can be helped, instead of being lost in the many replies.
I'd disappointed when the term productivity takes place here, because you would be stressed to produce something (productivity is defined as the degree of an action per time throughout the action takes place) but then you'll been self-regulated by almost a homeostatic way to deplete cortisol from your bloodstream. However, I do not need to increase higher cortisol blood levels to be a more porductive person, just handling the manner to increase and decrease your own cortisol (slopes of cortisol vs time plot) you might be a really productive person. It's a dynamic system, not a static one
For me, self-doubt was the most painful cause of stress and anxiety.
My program of research integrates 5 academic disciplines (nursing science+health economics+mathematical economics+operations research+decision psychology); thus, previous publications or evidence did not exist at all.
Self-trust was the most challenging mission until my fundamental publication was released: Article Optimizing Staffing, Quality, and Cost in Home Healthcare Nu...
I agree with Claire Su-Yeon Park. Having not enough time to prepare what you do also can be the major cause of those issues.
Setting unrealistic goals and expectations, not willing to seek help when needed, an obsession with work, and a perception that life's demands overwhelm their capabilities all lead to stress and anxiety.
Test anxiety can also result in behavioral and cognitive symptoms such as negative thinking and difficulty concentrating. People experiencing test anxiety might compare themselves to other students and mistakenly believe that they are the only person suffering from such terrible anxiety. Other symptoms of test anxiety can involve emotions such as a sense of helplessness, fear, anger, and disappointment.
Stress and Anxiety X-rayed!
Most people experience stress and anxiety from time to time. Stress is any demand placed on your brain or physical body. People can report feeling stressed when multiple competing demands are placed on them. The feeling of being stressed can be triggered by an event that makes you feel frustrated or nervous. Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry, or unease. It can be a reaction to stress, or it can occur in people who are unable to identify significant stressors in their life.
Stress and anxiety are not always bad. In the short term, they can help you overcome a challenge or dangerous situation. Examples of everyday stress and anxiety include worrying about finding a job, feeling nervous before a big test, or being embarrassed in certain social situations. If we did not experience some anxiety we might not be motivated to do things that we need to do (for instance, studying for that big test!).
However, if stress and anxiety begin interfering with your daily life, it may indicate a more serious issue. If you are avoiding situations due to irrational fears, constantly worrying, or experiencing severe anxiety about a traumatic event weeks after it happened, it may be time to seek help.
What do stress and anxiety feel like?
Stress and anxiety can produce both physical and psychological symptoms. People experience stress and anxiety differently. Common physical symptoms include:
muscle tension
rapid breathing
fast heartbeat
frequent urination
change in appetite
trouble sleeping
Stress and anxiety can cause mental or emotional symptoms in addition to physical ones. These can include:
feelings of impending doom
panic or nervousness, especially in social settings
difficulty concentrating
irrational anger
People who have stress and anxiety over long periods of time may experience negative related health outcomes. They are more likely to develop heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and may even develop depression and panic disorder.
What causes stress and anxiety?
For most people, stress and anxiety come and go. They usually occur after particular life events, but then go away.
Common causes
Common stressors include:
starting a new school or job
having an illness or injury
having a friend or family member who is ill or injured
death of a family member or friend
getting married
having a baby
Drugs and medications
Drugs that contain stimulants may make the symptoms of stress and anxiety worse. Regular use of caffeine, illicit drugs such as cocaine, and even alcohol can also make symptoms worse.
Prescription medications that can make symptoms worse include:
thyroid medications
asthma inhalers
diet pills
Stress- and anxiety-related disorders
Stress and anxiety that occur frequently or seem out of proportion to the stressor may be signs of an anxiety disorder. An estimated 40 million Americans live with some type of anxiety disorder.
People with these disorders may feel anxious and stressed on a daily basis and for prolonged periods of time. These disorders include the following:
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a common anxiety disorder characterized by uncontrollable worrying. Sometimes people worry about bad things happening to them or their loved ones, and at other times they may not be able to identify any source of worry.
Panic disorder is a condition that causes panic attacks, which are moments of extreme fear accompanied by a pounding heart, shortness of breath, and a fear of impending doom.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a condition that causes flashbacks or anxiety as the result of a traumatic experience.
Social phobia is a condition that causes intense feelings of anxiety in situations that involve interacting with others.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a condition that causes repetitive thoughts and the compulsion to complete certain ritual actions.
When to seek help
If you’re having thoughts about harming yourself or others, you should seek immediate medical help. Stress and anxiety are treatable conditions and there are many resources, strategies, and treatments that can help. If you’re unable to control your worries, and stress is impacting your daily life, talk to your primary care provider about ways to manage stress and anxiety.
Doctors who treat anxiety »
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Have medical questions? Connect with a board-certified, experienced doctor online or by phone. Pediatricians and other specialists available 24/7.
Techniques to manage stress and anxiety
It’s normal to experience stress and anxiety from time to time, and there are strategies you can use to make them more manageable. Pay attention to how your body and mind respond to stressful and anxiety-producing situations. Next time a stressful experience occurs, you’ll be able to anticipate your reaction and it may be less disruptive.
Managing everyday stress and anxiety
Certain lifestyle changes can help alleviate symptoms of stress and anxiety. These techniques can be used along with medical treatments for anxiety. Techniques to reduce stress and anxiety include:
eating a balanced, healthy diet
limiting caffeine and alcohol consumption
getting enough sleep
getting regular exercise
scheduling time for hobbies
keeping a diary of your feelings
practicing deep breathing
recognizing the factors that trigger your stress
talking to a friend
Be mindful if you tend to use substances like alcohol or drugs as ways to cope with stress and anxiety. This can lead to serious substance abuse issues that can make stress and anxiety worse.
10 Simple ways to relieve stress »
Seeking professional help for stress and anxiety
There are many ways to seek treatment for stress and anxiety. If you feel like you’re unable to cope with stress and anxiety, your primary care provider may suggest that you see a mental health provider. They may use psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, to help you work through your stress and anxiety. Your therapist may also teach you applied relaxation techniques to help you manage stress.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a popular and effective method used to manage anxiety. This type of therapy teaches you to recognize anxious thoughts and behaviors and change them into more positive ones.
Exposure therapy and systematic desensitization can be effective in treating phobias. They involve gradually exposing you to anxiety-provoking stimuli to help manage your feelings of fear.
Your primary care provider may also recommend medication to help treat a diagnosed anxiety disorder. These may include selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as sertraline (Zoloft) or paroxetine (Paxil). Sometimes providers use anti-anxiety medications (benzodiazepines), such as diazepam (Valium) or lorazepam (Ativan), but these approaches are generally used on a short-term basis due to the risk of addiction.
What is the long-term outlook for stress and anxiety?
Stress and anxiety can be unpleasant to deal with. They can also have negative effects on your physical health if untreated for long periods of time.
Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry, or unease. It can be a reaction to stress, or it can occur in people who are unable to identify significant stressors in their life.
Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand or threat.
When you sense danger—whether it's real or imagined—the body's defenses kick into high gear in a rapid, automatic process known as the “fight-or-flight” reaction or the "stress response."
The stress response is the body's way of protecting you.
Some biological or biological causes contribute to anxiety and stress, such as serotonin, norepinephrine, or noradrenaline. These are classified as neurotransmitters of the chemical nature in the brain that cause anxiety disorders, Other vital causes of genetic and other factors overlap. Many people are sick because of the expectation of things that may not come and overwhelm themselves for no reason but is the illusion and expectation, and the best solution to become a man does not think only in his moment, which is and does not exceed it to others. Exposure to traumatic situations At some point in the life of a person, especially in early childhood, the child may have events that later cause anxiety and fear. The existence of a vacuum in a person's life leads him to think too much and inevitably worry. People whose lives are filled with accomplishment and giving are less likely to be anxious and nervous than others, while those who do not find something to do will undoubtedly think only of themselves and their anxiety.
The posting by Zainab A Makawi is an excellent summary of the objective effects and causes of anxiety and stress, omitting only the fact that such stored dysfunctions can easily be reversed through deep rest, particularly the fourth state of the physiology and of consciousness, which is missing from the lives of almost all of us. I have discussed this state and the elimination of stress and anxiety in my first posting above, and at https://www.nsrusa.org/about-stress.php . Without knowing about how easy it is to eliminate stress, all our knowledge of it is useless to deal with the great public health impact of stress on all aspects of human life.