I'm trying to ascertain the volume of the transfection mixture in which the cells are incubated for transfection to occur. I consulted a few documents/protocols (links below) and what I understand is that 250ul of final mixture is to be added to each well (which may be replaced after 4-6 hours). However, if that's all the media that's to be added, 250ul looks like insufficient and I am afraid the monolayer will dry up and cells detach if I use this much less amount of medium. Are my concerns genuine? How do you go about the process in your lab? If I add additional 750ul of Opti-MEM per well in one of my experiments, I think the mixture will be diluted and thus won't work. Any suggestions?

1. http://personal.psu.edu/drc9/data/Product_Inserts/lipofectamine2000_man.pdf

2. http://people.ds.cam.ac.uk/yhbl2/files/protocols/lipofectamine2000.pdf

3. https://assets.thermofisher.com/TFS-Assets/LSG/manuals/Lipofectamine_2000_Reag_protocol.pdf

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