I know in HVAC for example a condenser coil 1 cubic foot almost is suitable for 1 hp(horsepower)cooling capacity. But I don't know the relationship between evaporator and condenser size with change in volume flow rate of fans!
Reduced air circulation will cause lowering of suction pressure and consequently reduced capacity of the condensing unit and Increasing the rate of air circulation over the evaporator coils will improve the heat transfer rate, and this in turn will result in increase of deliervery pressure. Volume flow rate (Q) of air from given fan is directly proportional to area of imprellor, (which inturn depends of square of the diamter of the impellor), speed of impellor,square of delvery pressure of condensor
Q= kxD2XNXP2, where k=Numerical Constant, D=Diameter of impellor, speed of impellor in rpm, P= Pressure of condensor in Pascal.
Ref: HVAC Equations, Data and Rules of Thumb, 2nd Edition, Arthur Bell, Tata McGraw Hills, NewYork, 2007