Maybe the following papers will help you on the subject:
Bindels LB, Segura Munoz RR, Gomes-Neto JC, Mutemberezi V, Martínez I, Salazar N, et al. Resistant starch can improve insulin sensitivity independently of the gut microbiota. Microbiome 2017;5(1):12.
Rahat-Rozenbloom S, Fernandes J, Cheng J, Gloor GB, Wolever TM. The acute effects of inulin and resistant starch on postprandial serum short-chain fatty acids and second-meal glycemic response in lean and overweight humans. Eur J Clin Nutr 2017;71(2):227-233.
Marlatt KL, White UA, Beyl RA, Peterson CM, Martin CK, Marco ML, Keenan MJ, Martin RJ, Aryana KJ, Ravussin E. Role of resistant starch on diabetes risk factors in people with prediabetes: Design, conduct, and baseline results of the STARCH trial. Contemp Clin Trials 2018;65:99-108.
Keenan MJ, Zhou J, Hegsted M, Pelkman C, Durham HA, Coulon DB, Martin RJ. Role of resistant starch in improving gut health, adiposity, and insulin resistance. Adv Nutr 2015;6(2):198-205.
Zhang L, Li HT, Shen L, Fang QC, Qian LL, Jia WP. Effect of Dietary Resistant Starch on Prevention and Treatment of Obesity-related Diseases and Its Possible Mechanisms. Biomed Environ Sci 2015;28(4):291-7.
Maybe the following papers will help you on the subject:
Bindels LB, Segura Munoz RR, Gomes-Neto JC, Mutemberezi V, Martínez I, Salazar N, et al. Resistant starch can improve insulin sensitivity independently of the gut microbiota. Microbiome 2017;5(1):12.
Rahat-Rozenbloom S, Fernandes J, Cheng J, Gloor GB, Wolever TM. The acute effects of inulin and resistant starch on postprandial serum short-chain fatty acids and second-meal glycemic response in lean and overweight humans. Eur J Clin Nutr 2017;71(2):227-233.
Marlatt KL, White UA, Beyl RA, Peterson CM, Martin CK, Marco ML, Keenan MJ, Martin RJ, Aryana KJ, Ravussin E. Role of resistant starch on diabetes risk factors in people with prediabetes: Design, conduct, and baseline results of the STARCH trial. Contemp Clin Trials 2018;65:99-108.
Keenan MJ, Zhou J, Hegsted M, Pelkman C, Durham HA, Coulon DB, Martin RJ. Role of resistant starch in improving gut health, adiposity, and insulin resistance. Adv Nutr 2015;6(2):198-205.
Zhang L, Li HT, Shen L, Fang QC, Qian LL, Jia WP. Effect of Dietary Resistant Starch on Prevention and Treatment of Obesity-related Diseases and Its Possible Mechanisms. Biomed Environ Sci 2015;28(4):291-7.
"In response to postprandial rise in glucose concentration, the pancreas increases its secretion of insulin and suppresses the release of glucagons, thereby limiting hepatic glucose production and promoting the glucose uptake by muscles and fat tissues. The increased insulin level effectively deposits a large proportion of glucose into these tissues" (Sharma et al., 2008)
And also its been reported elsewhere that "in order to control glycemic and insulinaemic responses, RS must contribute at least 14% of total dietary starch intake" (Ashwar et al., 2015).