I am trying to learn use of augmented ARDL. But I did not find the command for augmented ardl  in stata. Can anyone please refer to the user written code for Augmented ARDL? Is there any good paper that describe the difference between ARDL bound test and augmented ARDL process? I would be happy if you can answer those questions.

In this Augmented ARDL, I find there are three test to get confirmation for the long run cointegration; e.g, overall F test, t test on lagged dependent variable, F test on lagged independent variable.

  • How to find/calculate t-statistics for the lagged dependent variable?
  • How to find/calculate F-statistics for the lagged independent variable?
  • Using STATA, I find that the bound test produces two test statistics: F statistics and t-statistics. But both of them are for examining overall test for cointegration. How could I find t-statistics for lagged dependent variable and F statistics for lagged independent variable?

    Thank you.

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