The relaxation time in graphene, arising from the Coulomb scattering by the chrged impurity in the substrate, depends on Fermi energy as EF 2 . Furthermore, the Fermi energy in graphene can be tuned via a back gate voltage which results in dpoing of graphene. A theoritical demonestration for the relation showing dependence of the relaxation time in graphene on Fermi energy (or carrier concentration detoted by n) can be found in "Scatteringechanisms and Boltzmann transport in graphene" by S. Adam, E. H. Hwang and S. Das Sarma, arXiv: 0708.0404. Notice that EF=a•n with a bieng a constant which depends on Fermi velocity.
what is the range of relaxation time variations in fabricated graphene so far? is there any reference or article or laboratory which fabricated graphene and report the range of variations of relaxation time?
in theory i see that researchers uses this valu from 0.01 ps to 6 ps and once i see it is considered 160 ps, so i confused which one is practical and can be used in a reliable device?