MICA and its receptor NKG2D were expressed as an inclusion bodies in E coli. It was therefore denatured and renatured employing dialysis method of refolding. Carrying out ELISA of MICA and it antibody was positive. We didn't have antibody of NKG2D but because the it has a HIS-tag, we performed the ELISA of NKG2D with anti-HIS-tag and the result was positive. We tried to use ELISA to test the binding affinity of these to proteins ( i first coated NKG2D, then MICA, then the antibody of MICA) but the results was negative. I would like to know if i did the right thing by using ELISA to test their affinity and if so what could be the reason why the results was negative and is there a way i can improve on the ELISA to get positive results. Also i would be grateful if you can suggest alternative method i can use to test their affinity. Thank you.

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