Rellevant information:

-I'm specifically looking for a robust alternative (also parametric) to One-Way ANOVA that I can conduct with SPSS software.

-I've disregarded non parametric tests (K-W).

-No transformations of participants' response make sense (conceptually speaking)

-I've already removed outliers and trimmed the mean.

-The factor has three levels;  there's only one continuous dependent variable.

-Normality is achieved.

-"Small sample" means < 20 for each group

-"Unbalanced sample" means two groups with 19 subjects, the third group with 10 (don't reflecting the variance of the population)

-The variance for the group 1 (n=19) is more than five times the variance for the group 2 (n=19) and nearly four times the variance for the group 3 (n=10).

I greatly appreciate your help!

* I'm facing the same problem with a mixed design ANOVA (SPANOVA), but I guess it should be a major challenge.

Many thanks in advance!

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