Grow the culture in their respective media to mid log phase, harvest by centrifugation and then mix this in 50% glycerol (media + glycerol). leave on bench for couple of hrs and then store at -80 degree Celsius.
What we usually do, and it's been working well so far, it's to make a cell suspension into 1 mL of LB broth (from a fresh LB plate of the strain you wanted, streaked the day before), and then make 1 mL aliquots consisting in 500uL of the cell suspension + 500uL of 100% Glycerol (which will become a final concentration of 50% Glycerol). Then I would store it at -80C as our stocks at -20C have always had problems in some regard, many of them died, ending up loosing strains, thank God we had a -80C sample of the same strains.
Of course before storing the vials in the freezer, they should get mixed homogenously by vortexing and also put into dry ice, so the freeze gradually without getting damaged.
You may also use a massive 24 h growth in TSA, MHA o BHIA. Harvest and make a suspension in 2 ml TSB, MHB, BHI + glycerol 15%, Final volume 2 ml in Eppendorf tubes. Frezze a -20 o better a -70 Celsius degrees