I am searching a best method to measure water surface level in a experimental flume(channel) with some obstacles which is located in the centerline of it.
Many weirs and flumes use a stilling well off to the side to help damp water level fluctuations for better readings. The water level data is taken away from the notch or flume outlet, as water surface changes near the outlet of these structures. In most instances, a staff guage is installed, and sometimes one for stilling well and one in flume. During moderate or higher flows, some variation in water level is obvious as there is some degree of water pulsing or turbulence. The most accurate water surface measure is a 180 degree bend on stainless steel rod with bent end sharpened. When the sharp point pierces water surface, that is the level. This would be used when water surface is very stable, and is connected and calibrated to staff gauge or other suitable benchmark. This might also be used with stilling well. It is important to compare stilling well with flow level in flume or weir to insure consistency. Sediment, debris, periphyton or algae growth can also affect readings, so keep reasonably clean. Make remarks when visited, writing down water level readings and any issues with date, time serviced. During high flows, the fluctuation can make water level readings difficult. I typically stand there for a minute or two, and visually estimate the average reading observed. A float connected to a stage recorder is one standard approach. Vented transducers and manimeters can give good results. For research grade work, I would probably use transducer as backup, as can be affected by excessive sediment, but you can set readings to just about any frequency you prefer. For small flashy drainages, 5 minute sampling intervals may be needed to characterize hydrograph. Most USGS stream gauges collect data at 15 minute intervals.
Saad Najeeb William F. Hansen Atef Nassar Anoop Kumar Srivastava Thanks a lot for your attention, I exactly want to see water level changing around a porous obstacle, I don't want to adjustment water level in the flume and I want to know except Image Processing is there other method or not. anyway thank for your answering. regards.