Hydrology is the study of the movement, distribution, and quality of water on Earth and other planets, including the hydrologic cycle, water... | Contact experts in Hydrology to get answers
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Questions related to Hydrology
I need a step-by-step procedure on how to perform a single parameter sensitivity analysis to evaluate the impact of parameters on a vulnerability index. I am particularly confused about how to...
14 June 2023 4,302 1 View
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are becoming increasingly important in the field of geotechnical engineering. Geotechnical engineering involves the study of soil, rocks, and...
24 February 2023 297 1 View
I want to study a watershed for Neotectonics. Therefore I have to estimate the geomorphic indices as well as morphometric indices of the basin. I am using ARC GIS, SRTM Dem for the work. Any help...
03 January 2023 5,156 6 View
This is icbc part of the RegCM version 4 SVN Revision: 4.7.1-1027-g0c9c8 compiled at: data : Oct 8 2021 time: 04:29:07 : this run start at : 2022-12-30 04:39:43+0000...
30 December 2022 892 18 View
Hello, I am working on a global scale hydrology GIS project delineating global watersheds and doing some data analysis. I have in the past used hydro1K from the USGS that cover the entire world....
19 February 2021 5,372 5 View
the area received high rainfall, only last 3 months of hydrological year faces acute water shortage even for drinking the solution for this may be rainwater harvesting now how value...
26 December 2020 2,635 4 View
For my future discharge forecast in the calibrated HEC HMS model, i need the precipitation data of the future.How can i get this data in the daily timescale?
22 December 2020 9,152 5 View
My study area of rainfall-runoff modelling is in mountainous region and has snow cover. There is about 10 percent snowmelt contribution to the discharge of the river i am modelling. How can I...
24 November 2020 8,138 4 View
Due to the influence of university education and papers published in leading international scientific journals, young scientists, in particular, believe that this is the sole way to advance...
23 October 2020 5,900 3 View
Dear colleagues, I am trying to measure low inflow velocities (I expect less than 0.015 m/s) in a stream using ADCP. Comparing to another approach, I found that both approaches are in a good...
17 September 2020 8,933 4 View
I have IMD grid data (0.25 by 0.25 resolution) in text format. How to extract rainfall data of a river basin? any tutorials? If it's not possible in ArcGIS any other software? I am familiar with...
25 August 2020 8,421 11 View
I'm having issues running the Longest Flow Path tool in HEC geo HMS. Attempting to run the Longest Flow Path tool results in the following warning error message. The error is attached. All...
20 August 2020 9,870 4 View
The anthropogenic pratices are getting common these days and many catchments experience water managements e.g., drainage, which has huge impacts on both discharge and water quality dynamics. So...
14 August 2020 2,013 11 View
Hi Do you any publicly accessible ground observations which have both solid and liquid precipitation rate? Preferably for many sites in different regions. Assuming that ground measured data...
02 August 2020 9,676 3 View
The digital elevation model includes elevated road and railway features overlaying river systems. In reality, water is carried through/below these structures; however, in the elevation model these...
28 July 2020 8,001 3 View
I am working on surface runoff estimation using SCS CN method and am looking for a national hydrologic soil dataset . I would appreciate for any tips.
27 July 2020 517 8 View
I have one hydrograph close to the watershed outlet from which I can extract a baseflow value. But what values would I assign to all the other subbasins? The HEC-HMS user manual says the...
22 July 2020 5,658 3 View
I am looking for any water quality parameter that originates from the catchment plains and hill-slopes and from the stream channel itself similarly to Suspended-sediment concentration measurements.
15 June 2020 2,610 9 View
I have tried searching and find that the articles and books I came across do not give a clear explanation on determining the level of streamflow variation based on CV. I am trying to distinguish...
09 June 2020 8,830 9 View
This error apears only in subasins with a value superior than 19, 682 in the initial abstraction in the method SCS Number Curve.
19 May 2020 7,265 3 View
Is there any difference between "Conceptual Models" and "Simplified Conceptual Models" in hydrology? I mean if it is just a matter of simplification or these two expressions are used for two...
12 May 2020 3,895 10 View
Hi, I am checking the daily precipitation data from NASA POWER (https://power.larc.nasa.gov), which uses data from MERRA2. When I compare values with other data sets' daily sum values, I see...
12 May 2020 2,733 3 View
How can I convert VIC output files into raster format to analyze in ArcGIS?
28 April 2020 1,216 2 View
Does anybody know where I can find a pdf copy of the book Dynamic Hydrology by P.S. Eagleson?
22 April 2020 9,054 3 View