If I have the choice between 2 amino columns for carbohydrate analysis: Luna amino column from phenomenex and Pinnacle from restek which one should I choose?
From the information on the web sites there's not much to choose between the two. Both are silica based, both are available in several formats, and down to 3micron particle size. There are many suppliers with this type of phase and they are all pretty similar. The only thing I would recommend, if those are your only 2 options, would be to take a column packed with 3 micron particles. Which carbohydrates are you interested in ? These columns are ok for some applications, but there are some separations they do not do so well, eg if you want to separate galactose and glucose, this is not the best choice of stationary phase.
The best would be to do as Vitor suggested and borrow the columns from the suppliers to see which works best. Of course not all suppliers offer that option, but it is worth asking.
My experience with phenomenex NH2 columns in carbohydrates analysis is rather disappointing. I had big problems with column equilibration and repeatability. Than again I don't see why Pinnacle should be better.
If possible I suggest testing a different column i.e. hypercarb form Thermo Scientific. I use it to separate maltose, isomaltose and maltotriose and it works fine.
I have a colleague that works with carbohydrate analysis and she uses Phenomenex Rezex RHM-Monosaccharide H+ (300x7.8mm) with good resolution and selectivity.