The rhythm of my body is the same as my mother tongue. It is in this rhythm where I find sanctity, that I can return to my mother who is everywhere in the universe.
The greatest propaganda in the world is our mother tongue, that is what we learn as children, and which we learn unconsciously. That shapes our perceptions for life. That is propaganda at its most extreme form.
There has been the confusion between mother tongue or language and first language. Mother tongue is the language with which a mother communicates with her young right from the womb. Frequently, it is the mother's native language. First language, on the other hand, is the language a child thinks first in and responds first to. In most Nigerian homes, especially among the Calabar people (Efik) where British influence had reigned supreme since 1472 AD, the first language is English. This has threatened to wipe out the Hebrew-Semitic mother language of the Efik people. A typical Calabar person now thinks first in English language (the first language) and struggles to translate that thought to Efik language (the mother language); a herculean task I might add.
A first language, native language or mother/father/parent tongue, is a language that a person has been exposed to from birth or within the critical period. In some countries, the term native language or mother tongue refers to the language of one's ethnic group rather than one's first language.