When I choose to write a particular research, the best descriptive search option for my belief is through this type of curriculum. I identify the problem with true doubt and diagnose the weaknesses in the problem....
Your hypotheses and the sample group, it will guide you about choose experimental or descriptive methods, quantitative or qualitative methods. I think the best of both methods and techniques depends on the selection and correct application of the hypothesis and sampling.
Your hypotheses and the sample group, it will guide you about choose experimental or descriptive methods, quantitative or qualitative methods. I think the best of both methods and techniques depends on the selection and correct application of the hypothesis and sampling.
I always think experimental research concentrates on specific phenomenon in specifice environments and extrapulates into the general. The old ones done in the 1950s and 60s (Milgram) surely have disabused us of their veracity.
Hello Babylon. My understanding is that broadly in the 'social sciences' there are three kinds of research: action, qualitative and quantitative. Views, descriptions and attitudes to them vary. The social sciences are still compared (unfavourably) with the 'evidentiary' model, the 'clinical trial' model of the physical sciences. I also believe that there is insufficient coordinated and cooperative educational research, and such research on fundamental assumptions about school education, human development, and comparative pedagogies. Personally I believe that qualitative research, such as case, live field research is appropriate to school education, whatever is also achieved quantitatively. Best. N
I am guess the experimental research is better because its results lead to many conclusions and recommendations consider important to improve the education process .. Best regards ,, Jawad Ali