07 April 2018 3 9K Report


I have averaged the duplicates of my raw Ct values and have used the delta delta Ct method to get a fold-change for each of the data within each subgroup. Each subgroup has around 4-6 lots of data which are averaged to give me one final average fold-change per subgroup.

I saw within one subgroup for example, that one of the fold changes was 0.55 whilst another was 3.55 and the other data between spanned from 0.6 to 1.0. So I removed the data which gave the 3.55 fold-change.

- Is removing data acceptable to do?

-Are there a minimum number of Ct values required to take an accurate average, or can just two values be adequate if they are producing fold-change data within close range of one another?

- When it comes to removing outliers, just how far out must a value be for it to be classed as skewing the data?

My issue is that due to the number of random outliers such as that 3.55 value as just an example, I have not had any significant results where there technically should be! And when I remove the outliers, I have significance in my results.

I have attached an example of what I mean, and have highlighted certain values that I would remove in red. I hope someone can let me know whether it would be acceptable for me, scientifically and ethically to do so!

Best wishes

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