We have fecal supernatants to analyze for SCFA production by HPLC. It appears that we may be losing SCFA quantities due to filtering. What filter would you recommend for samples processing?
If it is possible, I will try centrifuge first. It is easy and no issue with binding. There are lots of filters out there e.g. Nylon, PVDF, Teflon (not compatible with 100% water sample), and others. Yet, whatever filter you want to use, you still need to test it experimentally. If you need to use filter and your sample is 100% aqueous, the filter may act like reversed-phase HPLC and absorb your analyte. The fix is to increase organic content in the sample to at least 50%. Check out my publication on my profile, I did an experiment on pesticide mixes. I found that if pesticides are in 100% water, some non-polar pesticide will be absorbed on the filter. To fix this issue, I have to have at least 1:1 water: methanol in the sample before filter it.