Hello, I am studying about TCAD and I'm trying to understand one script file(sdevice) which is written for something device. For that script, I can find easily "₩" in the script. Could you tell me what ₩'s role is?
something like that,
File {
Grid= ₩"@tdr@₩"
Parameter= ₩"@parameter@₩"
Current= ₩"@plot@₩"
Plot= ₩"@tdrdat@₩"
Output= ₩"@log@₩"
Load(FilePrefix=₩"n@previous@_pgmed₩" Time=(0)) }
I tried to get how to run when ₩ is in script or not, but I failed to know that.
Please let me know about ₩.
Thank you :)