What do you think of this picture? In a first approach, it seems that the reality of the old woman in the picture is different than those of the others, regarding her.
The other person's look is not necessarily superficial or unrealistic, or just a criticism. Many times a person can not see his/ her faults accurately, therefore others look would be a gift at the diagnosis of imbalances and deficiencies. Also, people should avoid deceiving themselves, because they may think that they have certain qualifications or specific criteria, but in reality, they have not any of that.
In the picture, she is seeing herself dancing, but, the reality she can not do that because she is very old and has no legs.
Do not agree with this picture; for example, If I am ghost, then, I have to be aware of my reality, not to think otherwise; but many around us are externally charming people...... are quite like ghosts.... internally.
People, who have inner eye to see the reality of inner strength and beauty... can actually have the true picture (very rare people have this ability, but they exist).
In the lyrics of an American song , I once read, "You see so many smiling faces every day that lies lay behind them you cannot see." As such, to understand the self inside us to represent it to others as one and the same image all the time is a very daunting task in boosting our moral values.
What do you think of this picture? In a first approach, it seems that the reality of the old woman in the picture is different than those of the others, regarding her.
The true beauty are in the eyes and heart of the beholder. I suppose one can change if led by good intentions and feel valued by the beholder's eyes and heart. It's a very philosophical question though.
Following my previous response, the old woman of the picture may be unaware of her situation. We all see (or maybe not?) that she is confined to a wheelchair. She seems happy, possibly due either to her distorted unawareness or to her positive attitude toward life. I prefer the latter.
How others see you is not important... How you see yourself means everything! Agree?!
Think this statement might not generalize to all the seasons of our lives. E.g. when a person is in poverty / low esteem state, the above statement might be relevant or boost up his / her confidence. But when s/he is rich / well to do / better off than many people, s/he might ignore others & put himself / herself first above all else etc.
Yes, she is physically in a wheelchair, but mentally and spiritually, the old women seems to be healthy and still enjoys life. Perhaps, the limit of reality is beyond our perception.
When I saw the photo, I remembered a statement from our culture; "The heart of a person is always young." Secondly, "A person lives with the memories". Very nice photo that emphasizes the commitment to life.