I have a PCR product made of 2 pieces.  I am doing site direct mutagenesis of an enzyme.  I use PCR to create the 2 parts.  I purify the 2 parts using a cleanup kit.  I then run PCR a second time to assemble to the 2 parts and amplify them.

When I run on a gel so that I can cut out the appropriate band and purify for further processing, it is stuck in the well.  I see some slight smearing down the lane, but most of it is in the well.  There is no evidence of the 2 parts that were used as there are no bands present for the parts.

The combined gene is about 1200 bp, the parts are about 950 and 250 bp.  I use a 1% gel.  The 260/280 ratios were 1.86 and 1.87 for the 2 PCR parts used.  I am using Bullseye Taq, but never had a problem like this in the past.

I have searched and most say it is a protein or some other contamination.  But being a purified PCR products and primers, I don't see this as the case.

Could I have overloaded the well with too much product?

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

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