11 November 2016 10 2K Report

Greetings all,

I've been performing qPCR on an ABI "StepOnePlus" machine for the past year. I produce RNA either by kit or Trizol, perform RT using Quantabio "qScript cDNA synthesis kit", and perform SYBR green qPCR with Quantabio "perfecta sybr green fastmix rox".

I've recently realized that I am not producing standard curves with good slopes anymore. This is true for new primers I ordered based on literature that are supposed to be perfect, as well as for all my most reliable primer sets that I've previously validated (they used to have good R, Good 3.3-/+0.3 slopes, only one melt curve product, no primer dimers or products in NTC wells).

All my curves now shift between 55-and-75% efficincy instead of >90%, in spite of my R^2 values staying great and the melt curves still showing single products.

I've tried:

making dilution curves from fresh RNA from different sources,

using different SYBR mix tubes  and an identical SYBR mix from another lab,

performing the qPCR on other "StepOnePlus" machines, 

changing PCR plates, optical film, a fresh cDNA synthesis kit,

I validated that all the pipettes I use are well calibrated,

I even changed the molecular grade ultra pure water I use for reactions.

Results are always the same: low efficiency, evident by a growing ΔCt from one dilution to the next. 

Can anybody think of a reason that I may have overlooked? something that changed in how I work that I may have not noticed? Something I that thought I controlled for in one of the troubleshooting runs I detailed above but may have done wrong?

We are getting really desperate here...

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