19 February 2023 2 872 Report

Architecture design is a series of actions made to identify and formulate a solution to a particular problem using ideas, signs, symbols, images, blueprints, and other illustrative tools.

The goal of architectural design is to create things that are aesthetically pleasing, intellectually stimulating, and useful for people. As a result, the design must be as large as feasible to accommodate the limitations of the designer's human mind and to create order instead of chaos.

Architecture design: The issue has a number of dimensions. Rarely do we create something with a single, clear objective in mind. The designer considers the design's ability to carry out a necessary purpose, to have a beautiful shape, to have an acceptable cost, and to be produced with materials that are readily available while also considering its longevity and upkeep.

The aim of architectural design education is:

• Improve your capacity for organizing and relating details and forms in your environment.

• Increasing one's capacity for problem-solving practice and dealing with available options.

• Gaining decision-making skills, such as choosing the kinds of materials to use colors, textures, structural systems, etc.

• Gaining decision-making skills, such as choosing the kinds of materials to use colors, textures, structural systems, etc.

• Improving one's capacity for power observation.

Design steps:

Site analysis and site inventory

3. Creating the project schedule

4. Putting together the suggested development program

5. Creative conceptual work

6. Creation of designs

7. Completed style

We add three additional parts to these to put the design into practice, namely:

1. The period of gathering data regarding the materials utilized in the project 2. The phase of implementation (construction).

3. Post-occupancy assessment

Design phase

It must be remembered that every design has five components: a. function; b. structure; c. meaning. Meaning


In regard to finances

and the Feeling

We frequently discover a significant connection between emotion and the message.

The latter components also elevate the structure to the level of architecture.

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