19 Questions 1K Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Karl Pfeifer
I am looking for a no frills search tool that will find highlighted text in pdf and epub files. I just want something that will just take me to the next highlighted word or phrase in the way a...
08 July 2024 161 5 View
Suppose, hypothetically, that a reputable journal publishes an extremely scathing review of a book of which they had received an advance copy. Meanwhile, the book's publisher changes the title of...
27 March 2024 5,422 2 View
Circa 1983 Peter Glassen, in response to Patricia Churchland and John Eccles, wrote a paper entitled: « 'Is Determinism Self-Refuting?' No, But......
08 December 2023 5,818 0 View
This passage occurred in a short story by Isaac Asimov: "... You're weak on logic, that's the trouble with you. You're like the guy in the story who was caught in a sudden shower and who ran to a...
07 December 2023 8,759 4 View
I am haphazardly filling a few gaps in my knowledge of British history and I am currently reading Trevelyan's England Under the Stuarts because his name often came up when I overheard my friends...
31 March 2023 5,065 3 View
The gifts (gold, frankincense, myrrh) were not of such a nature that they would've been of use to humble folks, except as items with a resale value to a broker. It has been suggested that the gold...
24 December 2022 9,135 18 View
What is the current consensus among historians and other scholars? Apart from his alleged relationship with Mrs. Crawford that compromised his political career, did Dilke have other clandestine...
16 July 2022 7,862 2 View
I was once asked to volunteer to teach a philosophy course for U3A. I had to turn down the request because of the excessive time involved in travelling to and from the venue, otherwise I would...
07 September 2021 2,516 5 View
Can the second-language version, strictly speaking, be considered a translation of the first-language version or is it merely a somewhat looser interpretation? How do such authors approach the...
11 December 2020 5,315 25 View
I have encountered people who, when confronted with a counterexample to a general claim, will respond with another example that is consistent with the general claim, as if this somehow refutes the...
29 June 2020 9,681 15 View
This question is the title of a video on Youtube that intrigued me, especially because of these accompanying remarks: «It sounds like a hugely arrogant and self-serving suggestion to imply that...
09 November 2019 1,423 54 View
Chemicals added to swimming pools leach into the air above the surface of the water, with the result that regular lap swimmers must be inhaling them to a significantly greater degree than casual...
05 April 2019 2,397 11 View
Where I live there is a large park that has a picnic/barbecue facility that can be freely used and is mostly used by people from the local area (upper middle class) living within walking distance...
20 March 2019 1,076 8 View
Many other apparent clashes between the Quran and science are explained by scholars by treating the problematic passages as poetic language that can be reexpressed or explained by more literal...
13 January 2019 6,630 18 View
I've seen evidence of strange behavior among people who walk their dogs on trails in parks or seminatural areas in my suburb. People will carry plastic bags for picking up their dogs' feces but...
28 December 2018 3,126 2 View
The phrase "geriatric profanity disorder", together with its initialization "GPD", has become somewhat of a meme, being mentioned in TV shows like the Simpsons and receiving an entry in the Urban...
08 December 2018 8,652 2 View
The word "orange" is commonly cited as an example.
18 September 2018 6,765 52 View
Where can one find the most up-to-date and comprehensive list of journals in the humanities (esp. philosophy and literary studies) that should be avoided because of their unwarranted publication...
11 April 2018 9,321 6 View
The ISS is nearing its decommission date and various deorbiting plans are under consideration, but they all seem to involve crashing it into the Pacific Ocean in one way or another. That's a lot...
01 January 1970 8,214 2 View