% Define the membership function values for each x
y = exp(-x.^2);
In this MATLAB code, we define a fuzzy-valued function `fuzzifiedFunction` that takes an input `x` and returns the corresponding fuzzy value `y`. In this example, the fuzzy values are defined using a Gaussian-shaped membership function `y = exp(-x.^2)`. We then plot the fuzzy-valued function over the range of `x` values.
(* Fuzzy-Valued Function in Mathematica *)
fuzzifiedFunction[x_] := Exp[-x^2]
Plot[fuzzifiedFunction[x], {x, 0, 1},
AxesLabel -> {"x", "f(x)"},
PlotLabel -> "Fuzzy-Valued Function",
GridLines -> Automatic,
PlotStyle -> Directive[Thick]
In this Mathematica code, we define the fuzzy-valued function `fuzzifiedFunction` using the same Gaussian-shaped membership function `Exp[-x^2]`. We then use the `Plot` function to visualize the fuzzy-valued function over the range of `x` values.
Both codes produce a plot of the fuzzy-valued function, showing how the output `f(x)` varies with the input `x`.