I am doing immunohistochemical staining with DAB development on rat brain tissue. The first immunostainings with rabbit anti-alpha-synuclein and rabbit anti-GFP antibodies went well and look as expected. However, when I stained with mouse anti-TH and goat anti-VMAT2 I get a very high background even though I am using the same protocol. It looks like there is a lot of unspecific binding.

Blocking is done with 5% appropriate serum for 1 hour at room temp. Incubation with primary antibody in 2.5% serum overnight at room temp, and secondary antibody in 1% serum for 2 hours at room temp. For the alpha-synuclein and GFP antibodies goat serum was used (secondary was goat anti-rabbit), and for the TH and VMAT2, horse serum was used (secondary was horse anti-mouse and horse anti-goat, respectively).

Does anyone have any suggestion as to what may be the cause of this problem? Maybe someone experienced a similar problem?

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