02 February 2021 3 653 Report


I currently have my T4 virus in HEPES buffer. Unfortunately, there are always crystals that are contaminating my solution (due to the buffer in which the Viruses are) when I observe them under an electron microscope. I tried centrifuging (15 min at 3000 g than 10 min under 5000 g) but the difference was very minimal. Prior to observation (without Negative Stain), I mix them with either PA7 or PAG gold beads (for electron holography purposes).

I am looking for buffer suggestion mainly that is compatible with all that and that is stable (under 4°C).

Elio Karim


CEMES-CNRS, I3EM Team 29 rue Jeanne Marvig

B.P. 94347 F-31055 Toulouse Cedex Office A200 CBI-LBME, Gleizes Team Paul Sabatier University 118 Route de Narbonne 31062 TOULOUSE Cedex Office 216

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