10 October 2015 12 2K Report

I have been trying to grow primary culture from isolated hippocampi from rat pups. Sometimes the cells survive while most other times they strangely land up dead like debris after 3-4 days. I have tried changing different things but cant get to a consistent healthy culture. Can someone please help? I am quite frustrated! Below are the details:

The age of the pups is usually between 0-2 days. I dissect the hippocampus out and dissociate it in papain based solution. I then gently triturate the tissue pieces in pre-warm culture medium (no centrifuge), count the cells in Haemocytometer, and then plate them at 20*10^4 /ml onto glass coverslips kept in a 24-well plate. The coverslips are coated with poly-L-lysine (MW>150kDa) mixed with or without collagen.

Now, most of the times I can see healthy cells (e.g. neurons with long processes) when I count them in haemocytometer. So I presume there is nothing wrong with my trituration. But after plating, the cells dont grow - next day they dont have processes anymore, the glia doesnt grow, basically nothing happens. I guess they dont die either (because they appear phase bright at least for next 2 days). But then after 3 days, they start to die, and after 4-5 days, its just debris left over in the wells.

Is it the coating? I clean the coverslips with acid, wash them and coat PLL or PLL/Collagen as per the instructions. I tried ornithin/Laminin too, but no improvement..

Is it the medium? I tried DMEM with FBS, B27, glutamine as well as Neurobasal-A with FBS, B27, glutamine. The medium pH after preparing is usually 7.4-7.6 and the osmolarities range between 280-310.

Please help!!! I cant think of anything more! Thank you very much.

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